Monday 7 October 2013

eLitmus Software Developer interview questions

I'm back once again, and in this post i'll be sharing Question asked in the first round of recruitment drive held by eLitmus for the post of Software developer. This paper is purely memory based and only one set, whatever I had access to when I sat for this drive.

Hope you find it useful. Here it goes...

eLitmus Interview Questions

1>     Write an algorithm to reverse an String word by word (Not character by character) E.g. Given String is “I work for eLitmus, and I am 21 years old!”

Output should be : “o ldye ars amIande, Lit m us 21 forwo rkI!”

Description: only alphabets should change their positions , special characters should retain their initial positions.

There are to methods give is_alphabet(char) returns true if char is alphabet

And reverse(String)    reverses the string like “eLitmus” becomes “sumtiLe”

2>     A puzzle which was very confusing I didn’t understand a thing.

3>     There are five dices to display dates like 17APR

Face having 6 is used interchangeably for 6 and 9. Letter dices have letter without repeat to display all months in that format except Aug which is represented by VAC

Find all digits on dice having 6 and all letters on dice having letter L


Three table having relational database of movie reviews. We have to write two SQL queries both involve join and one self-join.

5: Which data base will be best suited for storing recent History in a web browser. Justify your answer.

6: pre order to post order binary tree 

Technology JK

7: which online portals you use to keep yourself updated with technical news. List all.

8: List open source technologies developed by a) Facebook b)Google apart from android c)Oracle d)Twitter e)Microsoft

9) Which of these is not a mobile OS a)Bada b)FirefoxOS c)WebOS d)PhoneGap e)Symbian

 Keep checking back for more. And  dont forget to like, share and comment or else I might end up not bothering with updating my blog.
