Tuesday, 16 September 2014

Webyog Interview 2014 II

Another user has been kind enough to share the question which he got and which are different from what has been written in the last post Here is what he's got to say...

I have also written the test on 14th sep 2014.. I got these questions i'm sharing with you other than shubhangi mentioned..

Technical questions:
1: which database you like most and why..
2: why do you think coding convention is required? give examples.

1: print all the subsets which can be formed from a user given string. example: user inputs 'abc', then print {}, {a}, {b}, {c}, {ab}, {bc}, {ac}, {abc}
2: override Object class's equals() method such that it can work for Integer

1: write regular expression to check an ip address if it is valid.

Please make full use of the info before hand.
The last post can be found at Webyog Interview 2014


Monday, 15 September 2014

Webyog Interview Question 2014

Hi Guys,

I know its been ages since i last updated this blog. Thanks to a reader I finally have sat down to do a new post. I have another first hand account of webyog interview, this time from a reader who sat on  14th Sept 2014. Here is what she commented on the last years post i paste it here as it is.

I have written the webyog test on 14th sept, 2014. There was no question related to aptitude. Questions were as follows:

1. Which feature in C/C++/Java you don't like? Give a suggestion to make it better.

2. What is class? How classes help into improving programing.

There were 8 questions from coding. Each two were from C, Java, Java script and Dot net. You have to attempt any 4 questions.

3. Search and remove a particular node from linked list. (C/C++)

4. If a user enters any number then you have to print the English name of that number.
example : 1 -> one
                   120 -> one hundred twenty
                   8760 -> eight thousand seven hundred sixty

5. What is the best way in java to search and remove duplicates. Give a sample program.

6.Given two arrays : {1,2,3,4,5} and {2,3,0,1,5}
Find the element in second array which is not present in first array in java.

7. ) delete the duplicate words in the following sentence in java script
     this is is very very good

I only could remember these question. There were 10 questions total. Time duration was 60 min. Thanks

 I have decided to do a new post for this so that its more accessible. And Special thanks for my special reader. Read, Learn and Share

Last years questions are still available here Webyog interview questions