Tuesday, 27 August 2013

How to protect your password from someone looking over your shoulder

Hi again

I just figured out an awesome hack.  You must have experienced this. You entering your password in a smartphone and someone, a friend, a sibling, just looking over your shoulder.

No just shoulder jacking typing a password in smart phone has always been a headache anyways. Now the hack that I am going to tell you will allow you to enter your password in front of anyone with the confidence that no one will ever get to know it.

What you have to do is use Swype or Swift keypad, I believe both apps are available on all major smartphone platforms. Just search for it in the store.

Now, they give you the liberty to add your own words to the dictionary. Go to the washroom, lock the door and in complete solitude save your password to dictionary.

That's it. Now you can enter your password anywhere , with the whole world watching and still nobody ever getting to know your password by looking over your shoulder.

Hope you enjoyed this hack.


Tuesday, 6 August 2013

CGI fresher recruitment drive

CGI Group has been recruiting freshers through eLitmus. Most of their recruitment drives are conducted by eLitmus. In this post I'll discuss how CGI recruitment drive is carried out.

There were all together four rounds. Ill be discussing each in details.

First Round: Aptitude Test

First round was an aptitude test. The difficulty level was not too hard and you had to do only 12 out of 25 questions to qualify for the next round. Yes there was a specified cut-off marks. No negative markings. The most distinct part of the aptitude test was that there were a few questions from Operation Research . There were questions from Traveling Salesman problem, Shortest path algorithm etc.

Round Two: Group Discussion

This round was a simple group discussion round. In total there were about 10 - 11 candidates in each group.Emphasis was on communication skills and not the content of your idea. Every one was given a chance to speak and the whole discussion was lead by the coordinator. There was no chance of it becoming a machli bazaar.

Round Three: Personal Interview

In this round, it was a one to one face to face interview. Questions were basically from your resume. They'll ask a lot of question about your final year project. Your proficiencies in programming languages etc. Well they at least interviewed me in that way.  They person who went before me was interviewed only in 5 minutes and not selected. So make sure you don't blow it up just by walking in. My interview ran over half an hour.

Round Four: HR Interview

No idea what happened there, I didn't make it to this round.

That's it and please don't ask me exactly what they give in aptitude test I don't have that sharp memory.


Reversing String in java


Continuing with by earlier post on Webyog interview questions. In this post Ill give the code for one of the question asked in Webyog recruitment drive.

If you have read the earlier post on Webyog recruitment drive you should be aware that they asked us to write a code for reversing the string. This question is not unique to webyog but its asked in a lot of recruitment drives.

I have written a class StringRev, it has a method reverseString(String s). This method can be called from any instance of StringRev.

I have also written a main method which instantiates StringRev and calls the reverseString() to demonstrate how its implemented.

I have used Scanner to read string from the console.  If you write your code interactive its guaranteed that you'll be marked higher than your peers.

Here is the code.

package commoninterviewcodes;

import java.util.Scanner;

public class StringRev {
    public String reverseString(String s){
        String revStr = "";
        for(int i=s.length()-1; i >=0;--i){
            revStr += s.charAt(i);
        return revStr;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String s ;

        System.out.println("Type something in.");

        Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);
        s = sc.next();

        StringRev strRev = new StringRev();

If you don't understand any part of this code feel free to ask.
