Monday, 17 June 2013

eLitmus pH test exposed

If you have ever wanted to know how is the eLitmus pH test conducted, you must have by know realized that find proper info is just impossible on the internet. I have tried Google, I have tried Bing, I have tried Yahoo and all I could, I have exhausted reading the eLitmus forum, all in vain. But the good news is that I have taken this test and know I know it inside out.
I am planning to do a complete spoiler of eLitums pH test but….. Ill wait till results are out. Only then you’ll get to know the firsthand experience.
Till then keep waiting and if you are really desperate let me know, ill try to hurry it up. 

elitmus pH test has been exposed in this post.

Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Last Day of College

Last four years have passed with a lot of patience, tolerance and what not. But all that was worth it as finally I have completed my course and have earned the title of Engineer Sahab. As if it’s something worth bragging about.  To be frank I have not liked a single day of last four years I have spent at the institute. There was nothing that’ll bring sweet memories. Food tasted worse than medicines, weather was a constant reminder of hell, lectures were lullabies and friends I had none. All the stories of freedom and independence showed their true colors.
Anyways, I didn’t want to write this post telling my dukh bhari dastaan to the world. I wanted to do this post to thank and share the heart melting gestures my juniors showed on the last day. I couldn’t tolerate Kolkata anymore so I had decided to leave the day I had my last exam. I had to do everything on that same day. Return the books of the library; get my packing done and everything else as well. I returned to my room as fast as I could after exam and after a little rest started packing up all my belongings. I was alone at the hostel as my peers had left for having their own parties and juniors had exams.
The fun part, what has prompted me to do this post, began after they, juniors, returned from exam. They stayed constantly with me immediately from the time they returned until I boarded my train. They helped me with my packing, carried my entire luggage to the station, and it was pretty heavy, stayed with me at the local- train station even when I had to wait there for over an hour.
Finally they came with me to the station from where I had to get another train again carrying my entire luggage. I had never been subjected to such love and respect. I have always travelled with no one seeing me off or picking me up. I have always been independent.  I hate such independence. These guys almost made me cry. I owe these guys. Ill never be able to repay.
Thanks a lot all of you who made my last day at institute my best day there.