Friday, 22 November 2013

Old Left Hand drive 4X4 Jeep


Just wanted to share some photos of my fathers Jeep. Its a really old Jeep, pretty much in running condition.
It has a single digit Registration Number is TRA 9.








And Here is an Old photo of same Jeep

Monday, 7 October 2013

eLitmus Software Developer interview questions

I'm back once again, and in this post i'll be sharing Question asked in the first round of recruitment drive held by eLitmus for the post of Software developer. This paper is purely memory based and only one set, whatever I had access to when I sat for this drive.

Hope you find it useful. Here it goes...

eLitmus Interview Questions

1>     Write an algorithm to reverse an String word by word (Not character by character) E.g. Given String is “I work for eLitmus, and I am 21 years old!”

Output should be : “o ldye ars amIande, Lit m us 21 forwo rkI!”

Description: only alphabets should change their positions , special characters should retain their initial positions.

There are to methods give is_alphabet(char) returns true if char is alphabet

And reverse(String)    reverses the string like “eLitmus” becomes “sumtiLe”

2>     A puzzle which was very confusing I didn’t understand a thing.

3>     There are five dices to display dates like 17APR

Face having 6 is used interchangeably for 6 and 9. Letter dices have letter without repeat to display all months in that format except Aug which is represented by VAC

Find all digits on dice having 6 and all letters on dice having letter L


Three table having relational database of movie reviews. We have to write two SQL queries both involve join and one self-join.

5: Which data base will be best suited for storing recent History in a web browser. Justify your answer.

6: pre order to post order binary tree 

Technology JK

7: which online portals you use to keep yourself updated with technical news. List all.

8: List open source technologies developed by a) Facebook b)Google apart from android c)Oracle d)Twitter e)Microsoft

9) Which of these is not a mobile OS a)Bada b)FirefoxOS c)WebOS d)PhoneGap e)Symbian

 Keep checking back for more. And  dont forget to like, share and comment or else I might end up not bothering with updating my blog.


Friday, 27 September 2013

Reversing string in c using pointers

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

void print_reverse_string(const char *str)
    const char *src = str + strlen(str);
    while (src > str)

void reverse_string_and_print(char *str)
    char *src = str;
    char *end = src + strlen(src) - 1;
    while (end > src)
        char t = *end;
        *end-- = *src;
        *src++ = t;
    //return str;
   printf("%s", str);

char* reverse_string(char *str)
    char *src = str;
    char *end = src + strlen(src) - 1;
    while (end > src)
        char t = *end;
        *end-- = *src;
        *src++ = t;

   return str;
   //printf("%s", str);

int  main(void){

    char data[50]= "";

    printf("Enter any string:\n");


    printf("%s\n", data);
    printf("%s \n", reverse_string(data));
    printf("%s\n", data);


I have written the abbove code to reverse an string using pointers. I assume that the above code is self explanatory but still if you want any clarification use the comment section below post.


Tuesday, 3 September 2013

Finding a job in Bangalore: First Challenge


I know that there are lakhs of Berozgaar Engineers like me all over India. I  also know that most of us (Berozgaar Engineers ) have either already made a pilgrimage to Mecca of IT industry in India, Bangalore, or planning to do it pretty soon. If you are like me I have got some really valuable info for you. I am not at all kanjoos I am gonna share what ever I have learned in my past couple of months of stay in Bangalore.

Now to begin with, the reason which brought me to Bangalore was that I got a whooping 95 percentile in eLitmus test and withing a week got an interview call from Webyog. You can read about eLitmus pH test and webyog interview in my previous posts. So packed up and decide to leave for IT Mecca immediately.

The first challenge.

Getting a railway ticket to or from Bangalore is never easy, specially if you have to travel in shirt notice. And finding one is almost impossible when you have to travel the next day. Now first advice while you read the first challenge.  If you are still planning to come to Bangalore get your ticket in advance, at least one month before you are actually traveling. Continuing with my story. There were no tickets available not even waiting list. Now tatkal was the only option left.

I tried consulting with who ever I could, got some very useful information. As you might know as per the current rules Tatkal Tickets are only available one day in advance and that too after 10:00. But the interesting part is that the queue starts from 5 in the morning. Since I had to get my ticket anyhow I woke up at 4 and sped off on my ambition with lots of ambition to reservation counter almost in the middle of the night. For some of us Btechs the exact time we go to sleep. Reached there at around five and no I was not the first person in the queue, there were around 18 people before me already. Now we had to wait until ten when the counters open.

Just before ten, after some dhakka mukki and gaali galaoj queue was formed and reservation forms distributed. Exactly at ten the counters opened and number of available tickets began to drop like leave in autumn. There were total around 200 tickets. At 10:01 around 130 left, at 10:05 70 left. My heart pounding, if a doctor had taken my pulse at that time he would have definitely started my diagnosis for exterem blood pressure. I reached the counter at 10:10 and guess what? there were still 30 berths vacant, finally I got my reservation confirmed and happily returned home.

Now it was time to do packing.

Second advice: Don't count on tatkal reservation any more. Some one has written some bots for making reservation through IRCTC and a lot of agents are using it so now within a minute all tickets get sold out. And if you get to lay your hands on that bot please do share it with me too.

I think that's all I can write right now.  More to come very soon.


And there are links right at the bottom of this post to share this and all other post on all social networks , have a look. Please share it.


Tuesday, 27 August 2013

How to protect your password from someone looking over your shoulder

Hi again

I just figured out an awesome hack.  You must have experienced this. You entering your password in a smartphone and someone, a friend, a sibling, just looking over your shoulder.

No just shoulder jacking typing a password in smart phone has always been a headache anyways. Now the hack that I am going to tell you will allow you to enter your password in front of anyone with the confidence that no one will ever get to know it.

What you have to do is use Swype or Swift keypad, I believe both apps are available on all major smartphone platforms. Just search for it in the store.

Now, they give you the liberty to add your own words to the dictionary. Go to the washroom, lock the door and in complete solitude save your password to dictionary.

That's it. Now you can enter your password anywhere , with the whole world watching and still nobody ever getting to know your password by looking over your shoulder.

Hope you enjoyed this hack.


Tuesday, 6 August 2013

CGI fresher recruitment drive

CGI Group has been recruiting freshers through eLitmus. Most of their recruitment drives are conducted by eLitmus. In this post I'll discuss how CGI recruitment drive is carried out.

There were all together four rounds. Ill be discussing each in details.

First Round: Aptitude Test

First round was an aptitude test. The difficulty level was not too hard and you had to do only 12 out of 25 questions to qualify for the next round. Yes there was a specified cut-off marks. No negative markings. The most distinct part of the aptitude test was that there were a few questions from Operation Research . There were questions from Traveling Salesman problem, Shortest path algorithm etc.

Round Two: Group Discussion

This round was a simple group discussion round. In total there were about 10 - 11 candidates in each group.Emphasis was on communication skills and not the content of your idea. Every one was given a chance to speak and the whole discussion was lead by the coordinator. There was no chance of it becoming a machli bazaar.

Round Three: Personal Interview

In this round, it was a one to one face to face interview. Questions were basically from your resume. They'll ask a lot of question about your final year project. Your proficiencies in programming languages etc. Well they at least interviewed me in that way.  They person who went before me was interviewed only in 5 minutes and not selected. So make sure you don't blow it up just by walking in. My interview ran over half an hour.

Round Four: HR Interview

No idea what happened there, I didn't make it to this round.

That's it and please don't ask me exactly what they give in aptitude test I don't have that sharp memory.


Reversing String in java


Continuing with by earlier post on Webyog interview questions. In this post Ill give the code for one of the question asked in Webyog recruitment drive.

If you have read the earlier post on Webyog recruitment drive you should be aware that they asked us to write a code for reversing the string. This question is not unique to webyog but its asked in a lot of recruitment drives.

I have written a class StringRev, it has a method reverseString(String s). This method can be called from any instance of StringRev.

I have also written a main method which instantiates StringRev and calls the reverseString() to demonstrate how its implemented.

I have used Scanner to read string from the console.  If you write your code interactive its guaranteed that you'll be marked higher than your peers.

Here is the code.

package commoninterviewcodes;

import java.util.Scanner;

public class StringRev {
    public String reverseString(String s){
        String revStr = "";
        for(int i=s.length()-1; i >=0;--i){
            revStr += s.charAt(i);
        return revStr;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String s ;

        System.out.println("Type something in.");

        Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
        s =;

        StringRev strRev = new StringRev();

If you don't understand any part of this code feel free to ask.


Sunday, 21 July 2013

Webyog Interview


This post is about the interview process of the company which hires through elitmus and pays huge salary, Webyog. The guys working in Webyog pronounce it like web-yog, yog like yolk. They have a feeling that they are some US type companies and the want to imitate US guys in every action.

Back to the topic.

Who do they call? 

What ever I have been able to gather they seem to call anyone who has got more than 90 percentile overall in elitmus ph test. However I did find some people who had slightly less than that too. They don't seem to bother about the sectional marks. Even if they do they are not looking for high percentile in problem solving section I can assure you of that.

How many people do they call?

They conduct the recruitment drive at some college. They call a lot of people, they have no other option. Be prepared to see more than 100 competitors if you have been called. 

How many rounds?

I am not 100% sure exactly how many round they take but its definitely three or more. First is a written test to check your programming abilities and then there are at least two interviews.

Whats there in written test?

Its mostly programming. They give 8 question out of which you have to solve any four. two questions are from Java, two from C/C++, two from JavaScript, and two from dot net . you don't have to answer question from all sections, you have to answer only four question overall. Questions seems to be repeated and Ill be sharing with you the paper I faced and another one. Hushhhhh.... don't tell anybody. Its a secret between just me and you. You can download Webyog interview question here. Now you have two sets of question papers go for the test well prepared. I can assure you you'll get at least four question from these two papers. Don't repeat the mistake I made by assuming its all bull shit. They say wise is the person who learns from his mistakes and wiser is the one who learns from others mistake. 

What comes next?

Waiting... and some more waiting. If you get selected you might get a call/ email for the next round of interview. If you don't you have to wait for around 15 days before they'll finally let you know that you haven't been selected. All these days your heart will keep pounding.

For ease of access I am embedding the file I created for preparation here. Yes you can have it too. Go on download, share as many times as you like.

Answer to one question asked in webyog drive has been posted in Reversing a String in Java Post

 Webyog Interview 2014 have now also been added to the blog. 

Webyog Interview


This post is about the interview process of the company which hires through elitmus and pays huge salary, Webyog. The guys working in Webyog pronounce it like web-yog, yog like yolk. They have a feeling that they are some US type companies and the want to imitate US guys in every action.

Back to the topic.

Who do they call? 

What ever I have been able to gather they seem to call anyone who has got more than 90 percentile overall in elitmus ph test. However I did find some people who had slightly less than that too. They don't seem to bother about the sectional marks. Even if they do they are not looking for high percentile in problem solving section I can assure you of that.

How many people do they call?

They conduct the recruitment drive at some college. They call a lot of people, they have no other option. Be prepared to see more than 100 competitors if you have been called. 

How many rounds?

I am not 100% sure exactly how many round they take but its definitely three or more. First is a written test to check your programming abilities and then there are at least two interviews.

Whats there in written test?

Its mostly programming. They give 8 question out of which you have to solve any four. two questions are from Java, two from C/C++, two from JavaScript, and two from dot net . you don't have to answer question from all sections, you have to answer only four question overall. Questions seems to be repeated and Ill be sharing with you the paper I faced and another one. Hushhhhh.... don't tell anybody. Its a secret between just me and you. You can download Webyog interview question here. Now you have two sets of question papers go for the test well prepared. I can assure you you'll get at least four question from these two papers. Don't repeat the mistake I made by assuming its all bull shit. They say wise is the person who learns from his mistakes and wiser is the one who learns from others mistake. 

What comes next?

Waiting... and some more waiting. If you get selected you might get a call/ email for the next round of interview. If you don't you have to wait for around 15 days before they'll finally let you know that you haven't been selected. All these days your heart will keep pounding.

For ease of access I am embedding the file I created for preparation here. Yes you can have it too. Go on download, share as many times as you like.

Answer to one question asked in webyog drive has been posted in Reversing a String in Java Post

 Webyog Interview 2014 have now also been added to the blog. 

Friday, 19 July 2013

e Litmus pH test exposed II

Sorry for the delay. I promised to do a post on complete procedure of eLitmus but the wait is finally over. In this post Ill reveal the entire procedure of how you get job through elitmus.

So here it goes...

The first thing you have to do is register yourself  with elitmus on their website.

Next step plan a test. Test are conducted in all major cities across India with an approx frequency of around one a month. Test fees is Rs 750 at the time of publishing this blog.

Now comes the real issue. You have to prepare for the test. The test has three parts;
  1. Verbal Ability
  2. Problem Solving
  3. Quantitative Aptitude
Now the problem is that I cant help you much with the preparation part. Why? Well I took the test without any preparation. On the elitmus forum is written that the test has difficulty level of CAT but I didn't find it difficult at all. Thats that, find your own ways for preparing. And if you as brave as me you can head to the examination hall without any preparation.

Now come the question hows test conducted.

I took the test in Calcutta center. Ill be describing how its conducted there. The procedure might differ in some other center.

Once you have paid for the test they'll email you your admit card which will be a password protected PDF. All the information related to test like venue timing etc will be given in that.

My tets was conducted in St Xavier, Park St, Calcutta. Most of the procedure is same as any other test. Its a 2 hours test. And you'll not be allowed to go anywhere in those two hours. So make sure you're done with all you needs before sitting for the elitmus test. ;)

As I told you it has three section, each section has 20 question. And yes there are negative markings as well. But its a little lenient. You marks wont be deducted unless  more than 25% of question in a section are wrong.

How much do I have to score to qualify?

For Quantitative aptitude and problem solving; doing 8 questions correctly will guarantee around 95 percentile. You'll be on cloud nine with that score.  For Verbal reasoning 15-16 out of 20 will be enough.

If you get that much you'll be getting interview calls from almost all companies that recruit through elitmus.

I have seen students with less that 90 overall getting calls.

One thing you need to make sure is that you score over 80 in all sections.

Thats it for the elitmus pH test.

What happens after that?


Companies call you for recruitment drives, which are very similar to drives conducted in college campuses.

In upcoming posts Ill be talking about how the drives are conducted. Obviously Ill only be discussing the once I have attended.

If you want some more info don't feel shy while commenting.  


Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Mi primera experiencia en la industria del software

Alhumdullillah que estoy haciendo una pasantía en un producto de software MNC, una compañía basada en miles de millones de EE.UU.. El BMC Software. Hasta ahora la experiencia ha sido absolutamente espectacular. Para un estudiante que acaba de conseguir una oportunidad de entrar en una empresa es en sí un gran problema. Solo puedo agradecer lo suficiente a mi Rabb que él me ha dado la oportunidad de trabajar aquí durante casi tres meses.
Mi trabajo evoluciona sentado en la silla frente a la empresa proporcionada portátil durante horas. Lo que hago es que estoy construyendo un par de plugins para BMC Remedy Developer Studio. El plugin le ayudará a los usuarios de BMC Remedy Developer Studio para encontrar varios recursos al tiempo que mientras el desarrollo de productos.
BMC Remedy Developer Studio es básicamente un plugin basado en eclipse. Por lo tanto, a pesar de que estoy desarrollando plugins para desarrolladores Studio estoy de hecho aprender mucho sobre el funcionamiento interno de Eclipse Workbench también.
Mi perfil de salida será un eclipse desarrollador RCP / Programas después de la pasantía.
Estoy inmensamente agradecido a mi Señor por darme esta oportunidad.
También soy muy de la deuda del Sr. Amit Kumar Sriwastav para hacerlo realidad.

Más por venir en mi pasantía en pocos días Insha'Allah
mantener a golpear en mi blog de

Monday, 17 June 2013

eLitmus pH test exposed

If you have ever wanted to know how is the eLitmus pH test conducted, you must have by know realized that find proper info is just impossible on the internet. I have tried Google, I have tried Bing, I have tried Yahoo and all I could, I have exhausted reading the eLitmus forum, all in vain. But the good news is that I have taken this test and know I know it inside out.
I am planning to do a complete spoiler of eLitums pH test but….. Ill wait till results are out. Only then you’ll get to know the firsthand experience.
Till then keep waiting and if you are really desperate let me know, ill try to hurry it up. 

elitmus pH test has been exposed in this post.

Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Last Day of College

Last four years have passed with a lot of patience, tolerance and what not. But all that was worth it as finally I have completed my course and have earned the title of Engineer Sahab. As if it’s something worth bragging about.  To be frank I have not liked a single day of last four years I have spent at the institute. There was nothing that’ll bring sweet memories. Food tasted worse than medicines, weather was a constant reminder of hell, lectures were lullabies and friends I had none. All the stories of freedom and independence showed their true colors.
Anyways, I didn’t want to write this post telling my dukh bhari dastaan to the world. I wanted to do this post to thank and share the heart melting gestures my juniors showed on the last day. I couldn’t tolerate Kolkata anymore so I had decided to leave the day I had my last exam. I had to do everything on that same day. Return the books of the library; get my packing done and everything else as well. I returned to my room as fast as I could after exam and after a little rest started packing up all my belongings. I was alone at the hostel as my peers had left for having their own parties and juniors had exams.
The fun part, what has prompted me to do this post, began after they, juniors, returned from exam. They stayed constantly with me immediately from the time they returned until I boarded my train. They helped me with my packing, carried my entire luggage to the station, and it was pretty heavy, stayed with me at the local- train station even when I had to wait there for over an hour.
Finally they came with me to the station from where I had to get another train again carrying my entire luggage. I had never been subjected to such love and respect. I have always travelled with no one seeing me off or picking me up. I have always been independent.  I hate such independence. These guys almost made me cry. I owe these guys. Ill never be able to repay.
Thanks a lot all of you who made my last day at institute my best day there.