Friday, 28 December 2012

Pool Campus Placement

After a long time I am back on my blog,
This time I do have an interesting read for my viewers, I am gonna talk about the first campus interview I faced a couple of months ago. The company was Odessa Technologies. The Campus recruitment drive was conducted on the Pan University level.

The First Level was an Online Aptitude test. We were given less than   a minute to attempt one question there were around 70 questions to answer. The questions were from a varied domain including secondary school mathematics, IQ, Logic and Language (English). I took up the test and started to attempt those questions which I was sure to solve without much difficulty, starting from the first. By the time I were able to scroll to the last question I found out that I had only a few minutes left before the test was over.

Since there were no negative marks, I marked all the questions which I skipped in the first go just by guessing.

So what do you think what should the result be?

Enough with the curiosity, yes I did clear this level. Alhumdullillah.

About next level Ill talk  in next post.

C yah!

Friday, 21 December 2012

Campus Interview

After a long time I am back on my blog,
This time I do have an interesting read for my viewers, I am gonna talk about the first campus interview I faced a couple of months ago. The company was Odessa Technologies. The Campus recruitment drive was conducted on the Pan University level.

The First Level was an On-line Aptitude test. We were given less than   a minute to attempt one question there were around 70 question to answer. The questions were from a varied domain including secondary school mathematics, IQ, Logic and Language (English). I took up the test and started to attempt those questions which I were sure to solve without much difficulties, starting from the first. By the time I were able to scroll to the last question I found out that I had only a few minutes left before the test was over.

Since there were no negative marks, I marked all the questions which I skipped in the first go just by guessing.

So what do you think what should the result be?

Enough with the curiosity, yes I did clear this level. Alhumdullillah.

About next level Ill talk about in next post.

C yah!

Friday, 23 November 2012

My First Experience in Software Industry

Alhumdullillah I am doing an internship in a software product MNC, a multi-billion US based company. The BMC Software. So far the experience has been absolutely tremendous. For a student just getting an opportunity to walk into a company is it self a big deal. I just cant thank enough my Rabb that he has given me the opportunity to work here for almost three months.
My work evolves sitting on the chair in front of company provided laptop for hours. What I do is that I am building a couple of plugins for BMC Remedy Developer Studio. The plugin will help the users of BMC Remedy Developer Studio in finding various resource while while developing products.
BMC Remedy Developer Studio is basically an eclipse based plugin. Therefore although I am developing plugin for developer Studio I am in deed learning a lot about the internals of eclipse workbench too. 
My exit profile will be an eclipse RCP/Plugin developer after this internship.
I am immensely grateful to my Lord for giving me this opportunity.
I am also highly in debt of Mr Amit Kumar Sriwastav for making it a reality.

More to come about my internship in a few days insha Allah
keep bumping into my blog

Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Interesting incidents during internship

In this post Ill share some of the intresting things which happened with me during my internship.
Ill start with the first day I entered into the premises of the BMC Software, Pune. I was staying with Mr Amit as until than I had no room. I came with him to the company riding on his motor bike. Pune is a big city but the system of public transport is absolutely a mess. If you want to travel a distance of 4-5 km on public buses do not expect to reach there in less than an hour. So almost every one except students who can afford their own vehicle everyone travels on his own vehicle. Most of the people driving have no traffic sense either so you have to be extra careful while driving. 
Sorry I was supposed to talk about my day in the company. Right?
Well we reached there its an nine floor plush building and to be honest I had never been into a software industry before. We walked to the reception, Mr Amit arranged a visitors pass for me and took me to the eight floor. I waited for him to arrange me a meeting with Manager in the cafeteria. The cafeteria is just cool. There are cafe coffee days coffee vending machines, Pepsi, other drinks, snacks available for free. Also for the guest.
I waited there until Mr Amit returned and took me to meet the manager. He made me sign the internship deal with terms and condition in there and asked me to read it carefully as its always asked but nobody cares  to read it. I too signed it without bother what it read.

Monday, 1 October 2012

Pool Campus Drive

We had a pooled campus drive in our college yesterday. And was the first such drive that I participated in.
Until yesterday I hadn't sat in any type of campus drive or job fare.
Well it was an experience of a kind but not too exiting. The whole process was opaque, so you couldn't make what you did right and what wrong.
In the first round I was like " Man this is toough". I werent too happy with what I did. And to my astonishment I was selected for the next round.
In the second round I took the questin read it, the re-read it solved it. checked it and returned the paper before any other person. I became damn confident that I have cleared this round too. but again to my utter astonishment I didnt make it to the next round.
God know what goes on behind the screen.

Monday, 3 September 2012

Blogging on Android

Hi all
Sperry for keeping you waiting for so long with my posts about learning to program Android.the reasonis that Ithought that before I set out on my quest I should get a hang of what Android devices can do. So know that I own an Android phone my self I think that my despite to code an Android app will multiply many folds.
Hold your breaths fold I plan to actually start coding from tomorrow.
See yah till than keep geeking.

Thursday, 9 August 2012









Обновление контент-провайдер из FilteredItemsSelectionDialog

Я написал диалог расширения отфильтрованных элементов диалог выбора затмения. Этот диалог имеет несколько флажков типа int меню просмотра. Я хотел, чтобы отобразить содержимое в зависимости от условий, указанных в меню просмотра.

Когда я на самом деле начал делать то, что я хотел, я не имел понятия, как это сделать.

Как и любой другой подражатель кодер я спросил г-н Google, может ли он помочь мне в том, что я хотел, и, к моему удивлению г-н Google сказал: Чувак я не должен либо ключ.

Как всегда я в конце концов выяснить это благодаря коллеге. Я решил, что теперь я буду пусть мир знает, как это сделать, чтобы в следующий раз, когда кто-то спрашивает г-н Google, у него есть правильный ответ.

Прежде всего вы должны расширить ViewerFilter класса, назовем его MyViewerFilter и более ездить метод select (), чтобы удовлетворить наши потребности.

Второе: в перспективе () метод действий содержится призыв addListFilter (фильтр), где фильтр является объектом typeMyViewerFilter чем вызов scheduleRefresh ();

Делать это будет обновлять контент-провайдера при каждом клике на флажок.

Wednesday, 8 August 2012

Мой первый ответ на

Мой fiIn этом посте я буду хвастаться первый вопрос я ответил на Самое приятное то, что мой ответ получил принимаются тоже. Ну вопрос был следующим:

Я следил за учебник здесь. В странах с развитой ResourceSelectionHistory учебник сохраняет выбранные элементы и получает его, когда диалог возобновлен. Я хотел ResourceSelectionHistory для хранения объектов, а не только строки, есть ли я способ сделать это. Я также хочу пунктов, чтобы открыть в редакторе, когда пользователь нажимает на них. Когда я нажимаю на пункт в самом населенном список открывается, но не тогда, когда я нажимаю на часть показывает история.

Человек здесь хочет IMemento, чтобы сказать ему, какой тип объекта хранится в истории. Как человек, который первым ответил на вопрос сказал, что эти классы являются очень жесткими. и они ожидают, что вам делать только то, что они хотят, вы делаете.

Я понял, способом, который может использоваться, чтобы сделать то, что спрашивающий хотите: Следуйте вперед .....

Вы можете хранить строки, целые числа и логические к IMemento. Вы можете ловко использовать их для выявления типа объекта. Например, вы можете использовать element.putInteger ("ObjType", 1), если ваш объект, скажем, типа и element.putInteger ("ObjType", 2), если его надежды типа B., что помогает.

ge33ekrst ответ на

Привязка ключевых последовательность действий в затмение

Действия и команды это две разные вещи в Eclipse Plug-в / RCP. Оба имеют различные механизмы. Информация, связанная с обязательным ключи к команде легко доступны, но если вы хотите связать действие сочетания клавиш, вы должны пролить пота, прежде чем вы можете получить любую полезную информацию. Вот почему я решил сделать этот блог. Это будет служить мне в виде книги марки. Если вы нашли эту должность, чтобы быть полезным, дайте мне знать.

На самом деле вы не можете просто связать сочетания клавиш для действия. Вы должны писать команды для этого тоже. А это значит, у вас есть действия, команды и привязки в вашем файле plugin.xml.

В определении атрибута идентификатор действия указать идентификатор команды из вашей команды, заданной на ваши действия. И в команде идентификатор связывания написать команду идентификатор команды.
Таким образом, когда вы нажимаете клавиши ваших действий будет выполнен.

Надежда, что помогает

Monday, 6 August 2012


动作和命令插件/ RCP的是两个不同的日食事情两者不同的机制有关命令结合资料很容易如果你想绑定一个动作快捷键一些汗才可以得到任何有用的信息这就是为什么我决定做这个博客帖子这将作为一本书标记如果您发现这篇文章有用的不要让我知道





Friday, 3 August 2012

Binding a key sequence with an action in eclipse

Actions and Commands are two different things in eclipse plug-in/ RCP. Both have different mechanisms. Information related to binding keys to a command are easily available but if you want to bind an action to shortcut keys, you have to shed some sweat before you can get any helpful information. That’s why I have decided to do this blog post. It'll serve me as a book mark. If you have found this post to be useful do let me know.

The reality is you cant just bind shortcut keys to an action. You have to write a command for that too.  Which means you have an action, a command and a binding in your plugin.xml file.

In the definition id attribute of action specify the command ID of your command specified to your action. And in the command id of binding write the command id of command again.
That way when you press the keys your action will get executed.

Hope that helps


Thursday, 2 August 2012

Finally Chineese traslation of ge33ek bragging






Japanese translation of Bragging ge33ek





あなたは、文字列整数とIMementoブール値を格納することができます。あなたが巧妙にオブジェクトの種類を明らかにするためにそれらを利用することができます。たとえば、element.putInteger(以下 "objTypeで"、1)使用することができます。そのタイプB.希望のに役立ちますその場合タイプはelement.putIntegerます( "objTypeで"、2)と言うのあなたのオブジェクトがある場合

Arabic Traslation of me bragging

في هذا المنصب ليرة لبنانية أنا التباهي على السؤال الأول أجبت على أفضل جزء هو أن حصلت على قبول إجابتي أيضا. كان جيدا والسؤال على النحو التالي:

ولقد تم في أعقاب البرنامج التعليمي هنا. في ResourceSelectionHistory تعليمي متقدم بتخزين العناصر المحددة ويسترد ذلك عندما يتم إعادة إطلاق الحوار. كنت أرغب في ResourceSelectionHistory لتخزين الأشياء وليس فقط سلاسل، هل هناك ط طريقة للقيام بذلك. وأريد أيضا العناصر لفتح في محرر عندما ينقر المستخدم عليها. عندما تنقر على عنصر في قائمة السكانية الفعلية فتحه، ولكن ليس عندما كنت أنقر على جزء يظهر التاريخ.

الشخص هنا يريد أن IMemento أن أقول له ما تم تخزين نوع الكائن في التاريخ. كما قال الشخص الذي أجاب أولا مسألة أن هذه الطبقات هي مقيدة للغاية. ويتوقعون منك أن تفعل ما تريد فقط كنت لا تفعل.

وأنا أحسب من وسيلة يمكن ان تستخدم لتفعل ما تريد السائل: بعد طول .....

يمكنك تخزين سلاسل، صحيحة ومنطقية لIMemento. يمكنك الاستفادة بذكاء لهم للكشف عن نوع من الكائنات. على سبيل المثال يمكنك استخدام element.putInteger ("objType"، 1)، وإذا كان الكائن الخاص بك هو من نوع A ويقول element.putInteger ("objType"، 2)، وإذا كان لها من الأمل B. النوع الذي يساعد.

Spanish Translation of me bragging

En este post te jactas de la pregunta la primera vez que respondió el La mejor parte es que mi respuesta fue aceptado también. Bien la cuestión era la siguiente:

He estado siguiendo el tutorial aquí. En el tutorial avanzado ResourceSelectionHistory almacena los elementos seleccionados y la recupera cuando el diálogo se relanzó. Yo quería que la ResourceSelectionHistory para almacenar objetos y no sólo cadenas, hay que manera de hacer eso. También desea que los elementos para abrir en el editor, cuando el usuario hace clic en ellos. Cuando hago clic en un elemento de la lista de población real que se abre, pero no cuando hago clic en la parte que muestra la historia.

La persona que aquí quiere IMemento para decirle qué tipo de objeto se almacena en la Historia. Como la primera persona que respondió a la pregunta, dijo que estas clases son muy restrictivas. y esperan que lo haga sólo lo que ellos quieren que usted lo hace.

He descubierto una manera que podría ser utilizado para hacer lo que el interrogador quiere: Seguir a lo largo .....

Puede almacenar cadenas, enteros y booleanos para IMemento. Usted puede utilizar inteligentemente para revelar el tipo de objeto. Por ejemplo, puede usar element.putInteger ("objType", 1), si su objeto es de, digamos, de tipo A y element.putInteger ("objType", 2); si es de tipo B. Esperanza que ayuda.

Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Learning to Android

Knock! Knock!

Its me again, well after a break of a few days.
I am planning to start on my journey of learning to write android applications. Its seems that its "the most happening" thing there from a programmers perspective. You know whats the best part I am gonna share what ever I do with ye all. How 'bout that. Ain't it just owsome. May be Ill create a different page on this blog an keep posting on that.
For now, at least I have zeroed on to what Ill follow while learning android its the official android guide here and Vogel's tuts here. I think that will be a good start.
Keep coming back to witness my journey to the fascinating world of  android.


Thursday, 26 July 2012


In this Post I ll brag about the the first question I answered on The best part is that my answer got accepted too.  Well The question was as follows:

I have been following the tutorial here. In the advanced tutorial ResourceSelectionHistory stores the selected items and the retrieves it when the dialog is relaunched. I wanted the ResourceSelectionHistory to store objects and not just strings, is there i way to do that. I also want the items to open in the editor when the user clicks on them. When I click on an item in the actual populated list it opens, but not when I click on the part showing history.

The person here wants to IMemento to tell him what type of object was stored in the History. As the person who first answered the question said that these classes are very restrictive. and they expect you to do only what they want you do do.

I have figured out a way that could be used to do what the questioner want: Follow along.....

You can store strings, integers and Boolean to IMemento. You can cleverly utilize them to reveal the type of object. For example you can use element.putInteger("objType", 1); if your object is of say type A and element.putInteger("objType", 2); if its of type B. Hope that helps.


Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Refreshing content provider of FilteredItemsSelectionDialog

I have written a dialog extending filtered items selection dialog of eclipse. This dialog has few check boxes int the view menu. I wanted to display the content depending on the condition specified in the view menu.
When I actually started doing what I wanted I didn't have a clue how to do it.
Like any other wannabe coder I asked Mr Google if he could help me in doing what I wanted, and to my utter astonishment Mr Google said: Dude  I ain't gotta clue either.
How ever I did ultimately figure it out thanks to a colleague.  I have decided now that i ll let the world know how to do it, so that the next time somebody asks Mr Google, he does have a proper answer.

First of all you have to extend the ViewerFilter class, call it MyViewerFilter and over ride the method select() to suit our need.

Second: In the run() method of action call addListFilter(filter); where filter is an object of the typeMyViewerFilter than call scheduleRefresh();

Doing That will update the content provider with every click on the check box.

Tuesday, 24 July 2012

Blast off................
Here I am starting my blog. This is the first entry of my blog. Nothing much to say now, but hold your breaths firmly as a tsunami of posts are about to come.

C yah!
